Catherine Ryan Hyde Catherine Ryan Hyde is the author of more than 25 published and forthcoming books, including the bestselling When I found You, Pay It Forward, Don't Let Me Go, and Take Me With You.


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Cover reveal for my next book!

Catherine Ryan Hyde

For those of you who have finished Leaving Blythe River and wonder what's coming up next, here's what you wanted to know:

It's called Say Goodbye for Now, and it will be released by Lake Union (Amazon Publishing) on the 13th of December. And I have to say, this is one of my favorite covers of all time. I love, love, love this cover. Talk about representing the story and getting it right!

The book is available for preorder right now, in Kindle, paperback, and audio CD. I'll create a new book page today with the short synopsis. In the meantime, any of those Amazon links above will take you to a detail page with a synopsis.

I know it seems long, but it's less than six months. It will pass in the blink of an eye.