40 Free ebooks for my readers
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Okay, so I tried my hand at Amazon giveaways. With limited success, through no one's fault but my own.
I purchased 50 ebook copies of DON'T LET ME GO to give away. First I set the odds too high. I had no idea what was right until I saw it play out, so I just took my best guess. The second time around I set the odds much lower, but figured they would go fast at that rate, so I only scheduled it for a week.
Long story short (unless it's too late for that) I ended up with ten ebook winners on Amazon and 40 leftover books in the form of free download "gift codes." As promised, I am giving them away via the old-fashioned method, right here on the blog.
So leave a comment if you would like to win one. If you already have it on your Kindle or Kindle software, this won't work. You can't have two copies of an ebook on one device. So feel free to pass this giveaway info on to your friends. And... I say it every time and it never works with everybody, but here goes: If I don't have your email address, I can't send you a gift code. So please enter it in the space that will come up after you hit post. I don't harvest your email for nefarious gains.
Good luck! The odds on this one should be great.