I think you'll like this giveaway
Catherine Ryan Hyde
I have an awful lot of readers and fans who tell me they're all caught up on reading my books (quite a feat!) and that now the problem is waiting until December. That's why I think you're going to like this giveaway.
Yesterday the UPS guy brought me a big carton of these lovely advance readers' copies of Ask Him Why. Yes, that's right. You can't buy the book until December 8th. But I'm about to give some away. In fact, I think I'm going to give away ten, because I know this is going to be popular. The fewer disappointed entrants we end up with, the better.
Unless you're an old hand at this, PLEASE read the paragraph below. Someone always doesn't, and enters without an email address, and I can't put their name in the hat because I can't contact them if they win.
Leave a comment below to be entered. Please DO leave your email address in the comment form (even though it will say it's optional). I promise I won't use it for any other purpose but to notify you if you win. Please DON'T leave your email address in the body of your comment unless you want everybody to see it. Those familiar with my old website might be a little confused by the new comment system. It will seem there is no place for your name and email. But when you hit "Post Comment," you'll see those fields come up.
I'll leave this open for about ten days to two weeks. Good luck!