Gift Card Giveaway
Catherine Ryan Hyde
This is two celebrations at once. I'm celebrating the release of my newest US novel, When You Were Older. And, as always, I'm celebrating reviewers. Because, really...where would an author be without reviewers? I'm talking about reviewers with book review blogs, but I'm also taking about readers who go out to Amazon or other bookselling sites and leave their honest thoughts about a book.
Between now and the 22nd of December, I'm going to hold a drawing for anyone who reads and reviews When You Were Older. I'll draw a winner at random on 12/22, and that reviewer will receive a $75 Amazon gift card (just in time for Christmas).
Here are some links to more information about When You Were Older, and to the book page on Amazon.
I cannot stress the following too strongly: everyone who reviews the book will be entered into the drawing, not only the ones who praise it. There are no extra points in the contest for a great review. Say what you really think, and your name will be entered. I do want to see people post their opinions, but they have to be honest opinions. I would never try to constrain what reviewers say or reward glowing reviews only.
I'm also not doing this just to get a bunch of people to buy the book, because there will be two free promo days during this giveaway, at which time the ebook can be downloaded for free. And free Amazon Kindle apps make it a free offer whether you have an ereader or not. Watch this blog for the announcement of that free promo.
Another very important note: after reviewing the book, you need to come back to my blog and leave a comment letting me know. Otherwise I may never see your review, and I definitely won't have your email address, which I'll need if you win. So do leave a comment below letting me know you reviewed the book and want to be included in the running for the gift card, and do enter your email address when you fill out the form. It won't show publicly (please do not enter it into the body of your comment, or it will) and I won't use it for anything else. I don't keep an email list and I don't contact my readers to try to sell them anything. I just put my news on this blog and on the social networks, and trust you know where to find me.
Thanks, and good luck!