My Dog, the Cat
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Okay. This was my morning. After five years of living with a camera-shy pup, this morning I was able to film Ella doing something she does often, that I think is a bit unusual: she washes her face like a cat.
I read somewhere that the Chinese Crested is the only dog who does this, and Ella is half Chinese Crested and half Scottie. I don't know if that's true, if all Chinese Crested dogs do, or if no other dogs ever tried it. I don't even know if anybody believed me..until now.
I know it's a weirdly small thing to get excited about, but usually Ella is upset by the little "bing" sound the video camera makes when I turn it on. And then, whatever she was doing before, figure she'll just stare nervously at me from that point on. Today she ignored the bing and didn't seem to notice that I was pointing the camera at her until about halfway through. know me. I'm grateful for the little things!
Here it is. Proof. My dog is part cat.
A follow-up. Ella is not all alone in the cat-like face washing category. We now have Petal Rainfield, who is full Chinese Crested, and Perez Kubo, who is 0% Chinese Crested. Here are a couple of still shots of Perez, who, in case you missed it, was featured in the recent blog post More Puppy: Tybee and Perez.