Pay It Forward Conversation
Catherine Ryan Hyde
Me, Vance (my mother, who kept the PIFF going for years nearly single-handedly) and Charley Yesterday in Buellton, CA (which is approximately halfway between Los Angeles and the little town of Cambria, where I live) I met up with Charley Johnson in person. I've worked with Charley for years, but I live in Cambria and he lives in Salt Lake City. So it's been email, phone, Skype...everything but sitting down and having an in-person conversation.
If you don't know who Charley is, click on the link on the navigation bar above labeled The Pay It Forward Experience. Charley is the creator and distributor of the Pay It Forward Bracelet. He also created and maintains the Pay It Forward Experience website. And as of January 1st, he's going to be the new president of the Pay It Forward Foundation. Know what that means? Big growth coming our way. Big changes. Because Charley has energy and drive and passion for Pay It Forward like nobody I've ever known (and I know a lot of people with a lot of energy and drive and passion for Pay It Forward). And the guy's getting ready to explode. He's not going to wait another minute before changing the world.
All I can say is, buckle your seat belt, and keep an eye on his site and mine. And if you want to be a part of changing the world, let Charley know. His contact info is on the home page of the Pay It Forward Experience site.
Here's a conversation Charley and I had about changing the world with Pay It Forward. Hopefully it will start a bigger conversation. Please feel free to join in.